On-line Resources for more Information on Stress and Stress-Management
Centre for Studies on Human Stress.Detailed information about sources of stress, physiological mechanisms and cognitive implications of stress, and coping strategies by the Centre for Studies on Human Stress. (French and English) by Dr. Sonia Lupien, Professor at the University of Montreal.
COPE – Centre of Perinatal Excellence has an informative article on Emotional Health in Pregnancy and much more.
Help Guide.Stress-ManagementInformation and Strategies
March of Dimes article on New Mom Stress.
MyHealth.Alberta.ca Health Information and Tool including a section on Stress-Management.
Pregnancy Birth Baby, an Australian Government website has an informative article on Stress and Pregnancy
Raising Children.net.au is an Australian parenting website that has an informative article on Stress in Pregnancy
Stress Strategies developed by the Psychology Foundation of Canada has comprehensive and credible information on stress and stress -management. The site also helps you to develop your own action plan to better manage stress. (French and English)
This Way Up. A free 8-week e-course for reducing stress using cognitive behavioral therapy tools. This course was developed by qualified professionals at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney Australia.
Websites that can help with unhelpful Coping Strategies:
Best Start has credible information and resources to address alcohol, tobacco and dependence on other substances. (English, French and other Languages)